Undoing, Renewing and Transformation

This undoing process and afterthoughts go hand in glove with self-forgiveness.

Find a comfortable place to sit, relax your mind, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths while focusing on your inhales and exhales for a couple of minutes. Once you feel calm and relaxed, ask yourself the following questions and see what comes up:

  • Whom have I hurt in the past and when? How did I hurt them?
  • Pay attention to the feelings that arise and the memories that come to the surface.
  • What actions do I still blame myself for?
  • What do I continue to feel guilty and shameful about?

When you’re finished, grab a journal and write down any insights you gained. Whatever memories, feelings, or insights emerge, consider them as wisdom from your intuition and your subconscious mind. This experience will help bring your deeper feelings to the surface and trigger memories stored in your subconscious.

In general, people’s actions in any given moment are influenced by their current level of consciousness, along with the memory of past experiences, traumas, and inner wounds from painful events in life. This level of knowledge and wisdom has been programmed and conditioned by society, parents, teachers, and others. Much of this programming has been deeply ingrained in a highly unconscious and ego-based mindset and belief system.

These mistakes should not label you as a bad person. Rather, they resulted from a lack of consciousness, and it wasn’t your fault; it’s a byproduct of living in this “fallen world.” Disconnected from your true self and attached to the false self or ego, you acted from that place. For example, when you were young and may have bullied someone, understand that you were a child projecting onto others the pain you felt inside due to unmet childhood needs.

Now that you recognize these facts, you can choose each day to operate from a place of love, kindness, and awareness.

Posted by:
Annie David

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