Finally, a New direction to Self-talk

Congratulations, in coming along in this journey by identifying the causes and conditions and understanding your behaviors that might have influenced you in your Self talk.

Now it doesn’t mean that just because you forgive yourself that you allow yourself to continue to engage in that same old behavior. No, not at all. It means that you forgive yourself for being human and for having weaknesses and flaws, but instead of moving forward from a place of self-hatred, you move forward to a place of self-acceptance and love. This will help you align with your highest good. Knowing now what to forgive ourselves for, we need to bring in a change and to master a diligent ‘Self Talk’ so as to not wallow in these muddy patterns like the old destructive way. We need to resolve this situation. 

A change in your attitude followed with actions to prevent more personal damage is needed,

 1. If you sense the need to take specific restitutive action, go forward, to apologize to your debtor and make amendments.

 2. Initially take responsibility for your actions and own up to what you did.

 3. Basically, to avoid making the same mistakes again, you need to heal from the past which is a brand new direction altogether. 

4. Rehearse the new way of life to yourself over and over again until the ugly engraved pre-recorded voice within you is being erased royally.

5. Guilt and shame need to be resolved by remembering this truth.

Now you might be thinking “if I forgive myself, doesn’t that mean that I’m okay with what I did?” No, by forgiving yourself, you are not agreeing with your past behavior and you’re not forgetting it either. You’re simply letting go off the associated negative emotion and belief, and moving forward more lovingly. 

Replacing the old self-talk, what a journey of freedom and deliverance into a ‘land of unending joy’, it will be!

Posted by:
Annie David

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